Charlotte Tennis F.A.Q.
Is MatchMaker Tennis a dating club?
NO. We make tennis matches only. Besides in tennis LOVE means nothing.
Do I have to be an active member to attend the drill clinics?
Not to give it a try the first time. If your enjoy the clinics and wish to continue, yes, you must join.
If my membership dues lapse, do I have to pay the initiation fee to rejoin, or can I simply resume my monthly payments.
Yes, you will have to pay the initiation fee to rejoin if your monthly dues lapse. Some members decide to take the winter off, instead of playing indoors. Since the winter season is only 3 months, it is less expensive to retain your membership during these months.
What happens if my scheduled league match is rained out?
Since we use cumulative game scoring, rain make ups are not needed. Simply resume play next week as scheduled.
How do I find a substitute player for myself?
Since everyone’s schedule is subject to change, we have a way for you to find a sub for your team if you are not able to play.
- Go to the MEMBER LOGIN AREA of the web site and log in.
- Select the Gender and the day you need a sub and click the SUBMIT button.
- The website will return a list of players that can sub on the day you have requested.
How can I be listed as a substitute player?
- Go to the MEMBER LOGIN AREA of the web site and log in.
- At the bottom of the screen, check the days you can sub.
- Click the SUBMIT button — That’s it.
- If you need to remove yourself from the sub list for a particular day, UNCHECK that day and you will be removed from the list.
How do I enter scores for my team?
This can either be done by the captain of a team or the captain of a team can delegate this duty to one of the teammates
- Go to the MEMBER LOGIN AREA of the web site and log in.
- Click on ENTER SCORES.
- Select the SEASON.
- Select the EVENT. (ex. Tuesday Coed 3.5).
- Enter your TEAM NUMBER (found on the play schedule).
- Enter the DATE of your scheduled play – format is YYYY/MM/DD.
- Enter in your team’s SCORE.
- Click the SUBMIT button. That’s it.
The site will track your scores throughout the season and the overall scores will help determine who is playing for 1st and 2nd place during the finals.
What happens if I can’t play my match?
You can use the On-Line Database to find an active MMT sub.
If you know you are going to need a sub in 2 weeks, it is easier to find a sub when you look early.
If you need a sub for this afternoon, and cannot find one, call the office — we might be able to make a recommendation for you to call.
The only exception is during finals. There aren’t any subs allowed during finals.
Still can’t find a sub? You need to call your opponent.
Let’s say there are 2 players — Player A and Player B. Player A needs to reschedule the match. It is the option of Player B to either:
1.) take the win over Player A because Player A cannot play at the designated time or
2.) reschedule the match. It is not the requirement nor obligation of Player B to reschedule.